Perinatal & Maternal Mortality Review Committee (2006-2012)
Stephanie is an inaugural member of the PMMRC and is in her second 3 year term (due to end in 2012). She sits on the committee as a Māori representative and health researcher and is also part of the Māori Caucus for mortality review committees. This page lists some of the discussion documents and papers Stephanie has prepared for PMMRC and the Māori Caucus.
Northern X Regional Ethics Committee (2005-2008)
Stephanie was appointed to the Northern X Regional Ethics Committee in 2005 and completed a 3 year term. During this time, Stephanie was involved with Pū Tai Ora, which is a national forum for Māori ethics committee members and prepared the following documents:
Te Tauranga Waka (2009) (.doc)
Te Tauranga Waka is a critical analysis of the ethics review system and its effectiveness for Māori. It identifies alarming gaps and shortcomings in the current review process as well as the actions that are needed to meet the needs of Māori. Te Tauranga Waka was developed during Pū Tai Ora discussions about a Māori Ethics Framework but rejected in favour of a more moderate approach outlined in Te Ara Tika (2010) Guidelines for Researchers on Health Research Involving Māori which is available on the NZ Health Reseach Council website www.hrc.govt.nz Maori Ethics Framework (Whiringa-a-Nuku '06) (.doc)
A preliminary discussion document that considers the history and issues associated with development of an ethics review system for Māori.
Waikato Whānau Ora Regional Leadership Group (2010 )