
Marae Charter/Beneficiaries

This charter was ratified at a hui-a-iwi in 2006. It was developed to guide decision-making about issues associated with the governance and management of Harataunga Marae in Kennedy Bay, Coromandel. The charter reflects the vision and intentions of Heni Ngaropi White who gifted the whenua on which this marae is built.

Nanny Ngaropi gave this land because she wanted to build a marae for the descendents of Te Aitanga-a-Mate, Te Aowera and Te Whānau o Rakairoa (see Te Wharenui o te Iwi below for more information about the marae). Some iwi members objected to the development of this charter and lodged an application to intervene with the Māori Land Court, asking for the marae trustees to be removed. Their objections were said to be because a Gazette Notice had defined the beneficiaries as the "residents" of Kennedy Bay not the descendants of these hapu. What they really wanted was to stop the marae trustees from speaking (on behalf of hau kainga whanau) about a range of iwi development issues such as the Treaty claim, signing of the FSSB Agreement to Negotiate, claims, Foreshore & Seabed and the (corrupt) way in which Te Runanga o Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora had set itself up as our governance structure.

In response to their intervention, we have lodged a Section 45 application with the Chief Justice to review the background to the Gazette notice and ensure the beneficiaries are correctly defined (as intended by Nanny Ngaropi). Towards the end of 2010, Judge Milroy appointed some residents to manage the marae as "interim" trustees until the Section 45 is heard. This charter is waiting for the outcomes of that review. We are optimistic the rightful beneficiaries will be recognised and the marae will once again be a voice for our people.